Imagine 400 years back in time, to 17th century Italy. You’re at a party with the Venetian society. You wear a mask. One like the ones you will soon become acquainted with. Gunilla von Werder is one of few in Italy and the rest of the world who masters this classic craftmanship. The masks have been framed by the foremost frame makers in Florence. The new collection, inspired by the world’s oceans, are adorned with gold, copper, silver and real pearls. A craft where culture meets tradition. Gunilla takes the Venetian craftmanship to the whole world. Now she also creates art glas for the historic Målerås glassworks.
Tänk dig 400 år tillbaka i tiden, till 1600-talets Italien. Du befinner dig på en fest med den venetianska societeten. Du bär en mask. En likadan som de du snart kommer att bekanta dig med. Gunilla von Werder är en av de få i Italien och övriga världen, som behärskar den ursprungliga tekniken. Maskerna har ramats in av de främsta rammakarna i Florens. Den nya serien som inspirerats av världshaven, pryds av guld, koppar, silver och äkta pärlor. Ett hantverk där kultur möter tradition. Gunilla tar ut det venetianska maskhantverket till hela världen. Nu skapar hon även konstglas åt anrika Målerås Glasbruk.
2024 Sweden Helsingborg: Karantänen
2023 Medal from the Stockholm Culture awards.
2022 Gunilla has started designing art glass, for Målerås glassworks.
2020 New Zealand, Wellington: Walrus Gallery
2019 Sweden, Älmhult: Kulturhuset Blohmé
2018 Sweden, Falsterbo: Galleri Stallet
2017 Sweden, Falköping: Galleri Sandström
2016 Sweden, Gunillas Studio at Magasin 36
2011 – 2015 Sweden, Gunillas studio at Krapperup Castle
2011 Sweden, Norrvikens trädgårdar
2009 Sweden: Tomarps Kungsgård
2008 Gunillas new open studio/gallery opens.
2006 – 07 Building up the new open studio/gallery.
2005 Holland, Amsterdam, Galleri EI
2005 Sweden, Malmö Museum of Theatre
2004, 2005 Sweden Nora: Northen artsalloon, (Jury)
2003 Sweden, Filipstad: Muséum Kvarnen
2003 Sweden, Örebro: Folkets hus, Vårsalong
2002 Sweden, Grythyttan: Måltidens hus
2002 Sweden, Loka Brunn ”Viktoria salen”
2001, 2002, 2003 Sweden, Grythyttan Gallery ”Basaren”
2002 Sweden, Falun: TIB.
2001 Sweden, Stockholm: Liljevalch, Aha-days
1998 Sweden, Örebro: Babar
1996 Italy, Brescia: ”Arte SSenza” Atelier degli Artisti
1995 Italy, Florence: Gallery Genesis
1995 Italy, Florence: Du Monde
1995 Italy, Florence: ”Fabbrica Europa” Stazione Leopoldo
1995 Italy, Brescia: ArteSSenza, Atelier degli Artisti
1993 Italy, Florence: Galleria Arte e Design, Corso Tintori
1991 Germany, Berlin: Accademia Italiana